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Page history last edited by David Keegan 9 years, 2 months ago




MED ZERO is TOMORROW, July 22, 2015!!


Watch the invite video right here:

(Sorry - you are allowed to wear long pants that are not jeans!  Yoga pants, trousers, jeggings,

chinos, it's up to you.  Just make sure you're wearing long pants and closed-toe-shoes.)


UPDATE:  142 (95%) of your classmates have signed up so far to come to MedZero! 


As a new member of the UC Medicine Class of 2018, you are invited to come to MedZero where you will have the chance to learn suturing, casting, labour & delivery management, and blood pressure assessment.


95% of last year's incoming class (the Class of 2017) came to MedZero and had a blast learning new stuff, meeting their new class mates a day before medical school starts, and learning about Family Medicine as a career.  We'll take care of you with good food, lots of learning materials, and a great time.


RSVP at medzero@ucalgary.ca to reserve your spot and pick which workshops you want to attend.  (All students will have the chance to do suturing, your choice for your other workshop slot is either [casting] or [labour&delivery + blood pressure assessment].



FOLLOW US ON TWITTER:  #medzero2015


MedZero is a great one-day experience for incoming medical students - timed the day before your official medical school orientation begins.


Make sure you show up in casual clothes - MedZero is all about hands-on (sometimes a little messy) fun learning.  AND we've got you covered with great food!


**IMPORTANT - to maximize your medzero experience, please click the link below to access our priming teaching videos for the procedures.  We started these videos in 2012, and students ended up getting way more out of the workshops than the students in 2011.  For example, in 2011, the typical student got as far as basic suturing in the Suturing workshop, while in 2012, students even did horizontal and vertical mattress suturing in the same time period.


Click HERE for workshop videos.


contact us at medzero@ucalgary.ca


click here for photos from previous MedZeros!


Click PLAY below for the med.zero 2015 theme song video:




In case you were wondering, here are the 2014 and 2013 theme songs:









click HERE for the official medzero playlist!


  people have checked out this page since July 16, 2013

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